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The Top 5 Hosting Providers You can’t Ignore for 2024

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As we enter the new year, if you’re thinking about starting a website for a project, you’ll need a good web hosting company. These companies store your website on servers in different parts of the world. It’s like having a house for your website. Depending on the type of hosting you choose, your website could be in a shared space or have its own private area.

When you’re just starting, there are three important things to think about: customer service, scalability, and how easy it is to use. Forget about other fancy features until your website starts getting visitors. In this post, we share our experiences with different hosting companies, including our top choices and tips on when to use them. We’ll keep it simple and help you understand the basics for getting your website up and running.

Table of Contents


Best Deal for the Long Run: Hostinger

IONOS- Best site speed and uptime

Tmd Hosting- Good option for startup sellers

Namecheap- Low-priced plans


Best Deal for the Long Run: Hostinger


Hostinger Hosting Provider


Hostinger Offers Wide range of Plans in hosting from shared hosting to cloud hosting and Vps Hosting.

  • 1. Budget-Friendly Options
  • 2. Free Domain Name Bonus: Most Plans Include It!
  • 3. User-Friendly Control Panel: hPanel Makes Things Easy!
  • 4. Easy Website Setup: Step-by-Step Help!
  • 5. Reliable Help When You Need It: Hostinger’s Customer Support
  • Considerations to Keep in Mind: Limited Resources
  • No Phone Support: Something to Keep in Mind
  • No Windows Hosting: Important to Know
  • Hostinger’s Prices and Plans: Budget-Friendly Options

If you want to save a lot of money in the long run, Hostinger is your best bet. You can get hosting for four whole years for less than $100! Their plans start at just $1.99 per month, but you’ll need to commit to a 48-month deal. This is way cheaper than what many other providers charge for just one year of hosting. Hostinger is a great choice if you’re thinking about the long-term savings.


Advantages of Hostinger Hosting

1. Budget-Friendly Options

The best thing about Hostinger hosting is that it’s not going to cost you a fortune. If you’re working with a tight budget, Hostinger is an excellent choice. They offer some of the most affordable hosting plans you can find. With Hostinger, anyone can start hosting a website without spending too much money. Despite the low prices, Hostinger keeps your website running well, making it a top pick for those who want good quality hosting without breaking the bank.

2. Free Domain Name Bonus: Most Plans Include It!

If you go for any Hostinger plan (except the cheapest one), you’ll get a free domain name for the first year. This means you won’t have to pay extra to have your own unique web address. And here’s more good news: Hostinger also gives you free WHOIS Privacy Protection with every domain. This protection keeps your personal information private. Some other hosting companies may charge you an extra $10 to $20 every year for this service, but with Hostinger, it’s included for free. Saving money and getting a free domain? That’s a win-win!

Hostinger comes with a control panel called hPanel, and it’s way simpler and nicer-looking than cPanel. The menus are easy to navigate, and there are clear explanations and helpful graphics. Finding what you need and understanding what you’re doing is a breeze with hPanel. We really like it, and it’s a big step up from other control panels. If you want something that’s easy to use and looks good, hPanel from Hostinger is a great choice.

4. Easy Website Setup: Step-by-Step Help!

Hostinger makes creating a website super easy with its step-by-step setup process. Even if you’ve never made a website before, this guided process only asks a few questions, making it simple for you. And here’s something cool – Hostinger also has an AI option that can create an entire website for you. We tried it, and it worked surprisingly well! So, if you want a hassle-free way to set up your website, Hostinger’s step-by-step assistance has got you covered.

5. Reliable Help When You Need It: Hostinger’s Customer Support

Hostinger doesn’t just offer great hosting; they also have excellent customer service. You can reach out to them anytime through live chat or email – they’re available 24/7! The people at Hostinger are really helpful and know their stuff, ready to assist you with any issues you might have.

And that’s not all – Hostinger has a whole bunch of tutorials and articles in their knowledge base. This resource can help you figure out and solve common problems on your own. With Hostinger’s top-notch customer support, you can trust that your website is in good hands, and if anything comes up, they’ll sort it out quickly.


Considerations to Keep in Mind: Limited Resources

While Hostinger has many good things going for it, there are a couple of downsides to be aware of. One main drawback is that the shared hosting plans from Hostinger come with limited resources. This means if your website starts getting a lot of visitors, you might need to either switch to a different hosting company or upgrade to a more expensive plan with Hostinger.

Additionally, compared to some other hosting providers, Hostinger’s plans have fewer features. This might mean you have to spend more money on some extra things you need. Before you pick a hosting provider, think about what your website needs, as these limitations might not be suitable for everyone. It’s always good to weigh the pros and cons based on what your website requires.

No Phone Support: Something to Keep in Mind

One thing to note about Hostinger Hosting is that they don’t offer phone support. While they do have excellent help through email and live chat, some people might prefer talking to someone on the phone.

If you’re the type of person who feels more comfortable discussing things over a call, this might be a bit inconvenient. In that case, you might want to consider choosing a hosting company that does provide phone support. It’s all about picking what works best for you and how you like to communicate.

No Windows Hosting: Important to Know

Hostinger doesn’t offer Windows hosting, and for some people, that might be a bit of a drawback. If you need specific software or applications that work with Windows, this could be a significant disadvantage. However, most website owners won’t be bothered by this because Hostinger does provide Linux hosting, which is good enough for the majority of websites.

Before you choose a web host, it’s essential to think about whether your website requires Windows hosting. If it does, you’ll need to look for another hosting company that offers it. But if Linux hosting works for your needs, then Hostinger could still be a great choice.

Hostinger’s Prices and Plans: Budget-Friendly Options

Hostinger offers various hosting plans, and the good news is, they’re all pretty affordable compared to other companies. What’s even better is that when it’s time to renew, Hostinger’s rates are consistently lower than many others. This means you not only pay less upfront but also save money in the long run.

There are three different hosting plans to choose from, with monthly prices ranging from $1.99 to $3.99. These plans include free email accounts, regular backups, SSL certificates for security, and SSD storage for faster performance.

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When you renew your contract, depending on the plan you choose, you’ll be paying between $3.99 and $8.99 per month. So, if you’re looking for budget-friendly hosting options with good features, Hostinger is worth considering.


About IONOS: IONOS is all about being innovative, reliable, and providing top-notch web hosting. Right now, they’re hosting over 12 million domains and have more than eight million active clients. They have data centers in the US and Europe, making sure your website stays up and running smoothly.

Who It’s Good For: IONOS web hosting is a great choice for small and medium-sized businesses. If you’re a Windows developer or a WordPress expert, IONOS has got you covered. Whether you’re just starting out or have specific needs, IONOS offers solutions for various website owners.


Web Hosting: Reliable and Innovative


IONOS Hosting Provider


If you prioritize reliability, security, and competitive pricing, IONOS might be the right fit.

  • Dependable Uptime: Keeping Your Website Running
  • Secure and Safe Hosting: IONOS Has Your Back
  • Affordable Plans: IONOS Keeps It Budget-Friendly
  • Extras Included: Free Domain and Email!
  • User-Friendly Interface: IONOS Makes It Easy!
  • Website Slowness: Not Ideal for Users
  • Not So Reliable Help: Customer Support Concerns
  • IONOS Plans and Prices: Find the Right Fit for You
  • Fast and Reliable Hosting: TMD Hosting’s Strength


Dependable Uptime: Keeping Your Website Running

Reliability Matters: Having your website up and running is really important. It helps visitors trust your site, and it’s crucial for customers to be able to reach you and make purchases.

IONOS Got You Covered: The good news is that IONOS does a great job in this area. They proudly say that their web hosting gives you 99.9% uptime. In simpler terms, this means your website might only be down for about 43 minutes in a whole month. So, with IONOS, you can count on your website being available for your visitors most of the time!

Secure and Safe Hosting: IONOS Has Your Back

Top-Notch Security: When it comes to hosting, safety is a big deal. While shared hosting plans are cheaper, they often lack the protection needed against cyber threats and security issues.

IONOS Does It Differently: But guess what? IONOS stands out from the rest. Even in their basic shared hosting plans, they take security seriously.

  • Protection Against Attacks: IONOS promises that your website will stay up and running even in the face of attacks. They provide Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection, which helps shield your website from harmful attacks.
  • Daily Backups: IONOS also does daily backups, keeping your data safe and sound for up to six days. So, if something goes wrong, you can easily recover your website.
  • Free SSL Certificate: And here’s a bonus – every IONOS plan comes with a free Wildcard SSL certificate. This adds an extra layer of security, encrypting your data and making your website more secure.

Best of Both Worlds: With IONOS, you get the best of both worlds – an affordable shared hosting plan that doesn’t compromise on security. It’s like having a budget-friendly plan that still takes good care of your website’s safety.

Affordable Plans: IONOS Keeps It Budget-Friendly

Competitive Pricing: If you’re looking for a hosting company that won’t break the bank, IONOS is a fantastic choice.

Plan Options: They have different plans, but the Business shared hosting plan is the cheapest, starting at just $1 per month. This plan is great for regular websites because it comes with unlimited databases, storage, and websites.

For those running a more serious business, the Expert plan is $8 per month and gives you 19GB of RAM for maximum performance.

Important to Know: While IONOS offers attractive prices, it’s essential to remember that the initial offers will go up once the promotion ends. For example, the Business plan’s renewal fee is $10 per month.

Clear Pricing: IONOS keeps their pricing fairly clear, and all plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if you’re not happy, you have a bit of time to change your mind and get your money back.

Extras Included: Free Domain and Email!

More Than Basics: IONOS goes beyond the basics when it comes to web hosting.

Free Goodies: With their Essential, Business, and Expert shared hosting packages, IONOS gives you some important extras without charging anything extra.

  • Free Domain Name: For the first year, they throw in a free domain name registration with all their hosting packages. This means you can have your own unique web address without any extra cost.
  • Email Account Included: And that’s not all – IONOS also includes an email account. This way, you can stay in touch with your clients and make sure you present a professional image on the internet.

IONOS makes sure you get more value for your hosting, making it easier for you to build and manage your online presence.

User-Friendly Interface: IONOS Makes It Easy!

Improved Control Panel: IONOS doesn’t use the regular cPanel; they have their unique control panel. Some people have different opinions about it compared to cPanel. Some find it a bit tricky at first.

Good News – Improvements Made: But here’s the good news – IONOS has been working on making things better. They’ve improved the dashboard to make it clearer and easier to use.

What’s Better: With the enhanced layout of IONOS’s personalized dashboard, users can now easily:

  • Manage Email, SSL, and Domains: Control your email addresses, SSL certificates, and domains hassle-free.
  • Keep an Eye on Website Data: Track and check the data on your website. It’s all there for you to see.
  • Navigate Easily: Find and adjust settings easily with the improved search bar. It’s like having a map for your website.

Great for Beginners: Our IONOS review found that even if you’re new to web hosting, you might like their user interface. It’s designed logically, making it easy for you to understand and manage your website.


Website Slowness: Not Ideal for Users

Server Response Speed Matters: When it comes to how well your website works, speed is super important. Google has even said that how fast your pages load is a big deal for showing up in search results (SEO ranking).

Why It Matters: In today’s world of quick information and communication, if your website is slow, people might choose to go somewhere else where things load faster. Users like websites that are speedy and up to date.

So, it’s not just about Google; it’s about making sure your visitors have a good experience on your site, and that means having it load quickly.

Not So Reliable Help: Customer Support Concerns

Customer Support Ups and Downs: IONOS can be a bit hit or miss when it comes to helping customers.

Available Help: They do have support all day and night through phone and live chat. They also have a bunch of helpful articles and tutorials in their help center.

Sometimes Unavailable: But here’s the thing – there are times when the live chat is not available or has delays. So, if you need quick help, it might not always be instant.

Limited Phone Support: And while phone support is ready to assist, it’s only available in 14 countries. So, not everyone can call them for help.

It’s a bit inconsistent, which means you might not always get the help you need exactly when you need it.

IONOS Plans and Prices: Find the Right Fit for You

Different Plans for Different Needs: IONOS has various plans to choose from based on what you need for your website. Here are some of their plans:

  1. Essential Plan – Starts at $4 per month:
    • Good for hosting one new website.
  2. Starter Plan – Starts at $6 per month:
    • Good for growing projects, and you can have up to 10 websites.
  3. Plus Plan – Starts at $1 per month (promo):
    • Good for larger projects, and it gives you unlimited hosting.
  4. Ultimate Plan – Starts at $10 per month:
    • Good for hosting multiple high-traffic sites.
  5. Unmanaged VPS – Starts at $2 per month:
    • Good for developers who want complete control at a low price.

Important to Know:

  • The Essential plan costs more per month than the Business plan, but it renews at a lower cost after the first year.
  • Every IONOS shared web hosting plan comes with professional email, daily backups and recovery, a Wildcard SSL certificate, a free domain for a year, and support available round-the-clock.

So, you can pick the plan that fits your needs and budget to get your website up and running.

Tmd Hosting

High Performance: TMD Hosting is all about making sure your website works really fast and stays reliable.


Fast and Reliable Hosting: TMD Hosting’s Strength


Tmd Hosting


Friendly, expert-managed web hosting and cloud services, tailored to assist your websites’ growth, security and success.

  • Top-Notch Help Anytime: TMD Hosting’s Awesome Customer Support
  • Secure Websites: TMD Hosting Takes Safety Seriously
  • Budget-Friendly Options: TMD Hosting’s Affordable Plans
  • Limited Data Centers: Consideration for Location
  • Watch Out for Renewal Costs: TMD Hosting’s Pricing Consideration
  • Shared Hosting Limits: Considerations for Busy Websites
  • Learning for Beginners: TMD Hosting May Take Some Getting Used To

Why It’s Fast: They use something called SSD servers to power their system. This makes websites hosted with TMD load much quicker, giving people who visit your site a smooth and speedy experience. So, if you want a website that’s fast and reliable, TMD Hosting is a good choice.

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Top-Notch Help Anytime: TMD Hosting’s Awesome Customer Support

Excellent Customer Support: TMD Hosting is known for being there for you whenever you need help.

Always Ready to Assist: Their support team is smart and quick to respond. They are available all day and night, 24/7. So, if you have any questions or if something isn’t quite right, TMD Hosting’s support team is ready to make your hosting experience easy and stress-free.

Secure Websites: TMD Hosting Takes Safety Seriously

Security Features: TMD Hosting is serious about keeping websites safe.

Free SSL Certificates and More: They give free SSL certificates, which help keep your website secure. They also do regular backups, making sure your information is always safe. Plus, they keep a constant eye on things with monitoring. All these features create a safe environment for websites, making both website owners and visitors feel confident that their information is in good hands.

Budget-Friendly Options: TMD Hosting’s Affordable Plans

Affordable Pricing: TMD Hosting offers plans that won’t break the bank.

Options for Everyone: They have different plans to choose from, so whether you’re an individual or a business, you can find a cost-effective solution that fits your needs. TMD Hosting makes sure there’s something for everyone, making it easier for you to get the hosting you want without spending too much money.

TMD Hosting Cons

Limited Data Centers: Consideration for Location

Fewer Data Centers: TMD Hosting has a strong system in place, but there’s something to keep in mind.

Location Challenges: They don’t have a lot of data centers spread out everywhere. For people in certain places, this might make things a bit challenging. It could affect how fast websites load for some users. So, if you’re in a specific location, it’s good to be aware of this when considering TMD Hosting.

Watch Out for Renewal Costs: TMD Hosting’s Pricing Consideration

Renewal Pricing Caution: When it comes to TMD Hosting, it’s important to be careful about renewal pricing.

Potential Increase in Cost: After the first period, the price might go up. So, what you pay initially might not be the same when it’s time to renew. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for any extra fees that could affect your budget. Staying aware of these things will help you plan your hosting expenses better.’

Shared Hosting Limits: Considerations for Busy Websites

Shared Hosting Limitations: TMD Hosting’s shared hosting plans have a few restrictions.

Not Ideal for High-Traffic Websites: If your website gets a lot of visitors, the shared hosting plans might not be enough. They have some limits on how much you can use. So, if you have a website with high traffic and extensive needs, you might want to look into other hosting options that better suit your requirements.

Learning for Beginners: TMD Hosting May Take Some Getting Used To

Interface Learning Curve: Getting the hang of TMD Hosting might take a little time, especially if you’re just starting out.

Features are Powerful, But…: While TMD Hosting has some powerful features, if you’re new to hosting, you might find other options that are more user-friendly and easier to understand. It’s like learning to use a new tool – it takes a bit of time. So, beginners might want to explore hosting services that are simpler to use at the start.

Learn from Others: TMD Hosting Through User Experiences

User Experiences Matter: When checking out TMD Hosting, it’s smart to see what other people say.

Customer Reviews Are Key: Look for what customers are saying about their experiences. Real stories from people who have used TMD Hosting can give you a good idea of what’s great and where there might be room for improvement.

Listen to Experts Too: Experts in the industry also share their thoughts, so it’s worth paying attention to what they have to say. By checking out testimonials and reviews, you can get a better understanding of TMD Hosting’s strengths and the areas where they might need to do better.

TMD Hosting Plans and Prices: Choose What Fits You

Starter Plan – $2.95 per month:

  • Good for beginners.
  • You get one domain name.
  • Unlimited disk space and storage.
  • Unlimited email accounts.
  • Comes with a let’s encrypt SSL certificate.
  • Unlimited bandwidth for your website.

Business Plan – $4.95 per month:

  • Great for growing websites.
  • Supports unlimited space and bandwidth.
  • You can have as many domain names as you want.
  • Comes with a 128MB Memcache instance.
  • Includes a standard SSL for security.
  • Offers 2X better performance.

Enterprise Plan – $7.95 per month:

  • For serious business websites.
  • Supports unlimited storage space and bandwidth.
  • You can have unlimited domains.
  • Comes with a WildCard SSL for extra security.
  • Includes Opcache and a 256MB Memcache instance.
  • Offers 3X better performance.

These plans have different features, so you can pick the one that suits your website needs and budget.

3 Services: Building Your Online Presence



START WITH THE PERFECT DOMAIN With more than 300 domain extensions, you’ll find the one that fits just right.

  • Simple Start: Easy Setup with
  • Domain Services: More Than Just a Name with
  • Stay Safe Online: Security with
  • Personalized Email: Your Brand, Your Email with
  • Help When You Need It: Customer Service at
  • Website Reliability Concerns: No Uptime Guarantee with
  • No Short-Term Options: No Monthly Plans with
  • Privacy Comes at a Price: No Privacy Protection with
  • Plans and Prices: Starting Simple
  • Extras Come with a Price: Additional Costs with

What Offers: does a lot more than just registering domain names. They provide various services to help you create, manage, and keep your online presence safe.


  • You can get your own unique web address (domain name).
  • They offer services to help you build and manage your website.
  • has tools and features to keep your online presence secure.

So, if you’re looking to not only register a domain name but also get assistance in building and protecting your website, has a range of services to offer.


Simple Start: Easy Setup with

Easy Setup Tools: Getting your website started with is a breeze. They have lots of tools to help you build your site. You don’t need to be a tech expert!

Drag-and-Drop Feature: They have a cool drag-and-drop feature. This means you can quickly put together a great-looking website. You can add things like social media links and contact forms without any fuss.

WordPress Friendly: If you like using WordPress for your website, has your back. You can easily install WordPress and do all the usual stuff like adding plugins and writing posts.

Automatic Support: is set up to make WordPress work even better. It supports plugins, and it takes care of updates automatically. So, you can focus on your website without worrying about the technical stuff.

Domain Services: More Than Just a Name with

Broad Range of Features: doesn’t just stop at giving you a cool domain name. They offer lots of other helpful things to get your website up and running. These include DNS management, transfer lock, URL forwarding, and email forwarding.

Cost-Effective Domain Service: Unlike some other web hosting services, doesn’t charge extra for these website add-ons. That’s pretty awesome!

Benefits from the Start: Having these add-ons included right from the beginning is a great thing. Some services might make you pay for these features over time, and the costs can add up. With, you get all these perks upfront, making it easier for your website to grow without breaking the bank.

Stay Safe Online: Security with

Free Security Features: When you go with, they take your website’s safety seriously. They include security features for free with all their hosting plans.

SSL Certificates for Privacy: One important feature they provide is the SSL certificate. This is like a digital lock for your website. It helps keep online interactions and transactions private and secure.

Password Protection Too: They also give you a password-protected directory. This adds an extra layer of security, making sure that only the right people can access certain parts of your website.

So, with, you not only get a cool website name, but they also make sure your online space is safe and secure.

Personalized Email: Your Brand, Your Email with

Email Service Features: With, you can have a custom email that matches your brand. That means your email address can look like

Platform Options: They give you two options for email platforms: Gmail and Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Plans: If you choose Microsoft 365, they offer three different plans. Prices start at $2.99 per month.

Gmail Plan: For Gmail, there’s a single plan, and it costs $6 a month.

Why It’s Great: Having your own email with your brand name makes your email system stand out. You can check and send emails from any device, and setting it up is super easy. With, your email is as professional as your website.

Help When You Need It: Customer Service at

24/7 Support: is ready to help you whenever you need it. They offer round-the-clock support, meaning you can reach out to them at any time.

Phone or Chat Assistance: You have two ways to connect with them: through a phone call or using the chat feature. Whichever way you prefer, they’re there to assist you.

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What They Help With: Whether you’re just starting out or need help with your email and domain setup,’s support team is prepared to guide you through the process. They want to make sure everything is up and running as quickly as possible for you.

So, if you have questions or run into any issues, just give them a call or start a chat, and they’ll be there to assist you.


Website Reliability Concerns: No Uptime Guarantee with

Uptime Matters: When it comes to hosting services, having your website up and running most of the time is super important. This is called “uptime.”

What’s the Issue: Some people using have faced problems with their website being down at times. If your website is down, people can’t find or use your stuff, and that’s not good.

No Guarantee: The tricky part is, doesn’t promise a specific uptime or performance history for your website. Some users have no issues, but others do.

Mixed Experiences: Different users have different experiences, so it’s hard to say for sure how well it works all the time. It’s something to keep in mind if having a consistently available website is super important for you.

No Short-Term Options: No Monthly Plans with

Annual Commitment: If you go with, you can only pick an annual plan. This means you commit to using their services for a whole year at a time.

No Cost Savings for Longer Commitments: Unlike some services that offer discounts if you commit for a longer period, keeps the cost the same whether you choose a one-year or three-year plan.

Consideration for Some Users: This might be a bit of a snag for people who prefer to pay as they go monthly or aren’t ready to commit to a whole year upfront. It’s something to think about if flexibility in your payment plans is important to you.

Privacy Comes at a Price: No Privacy Protection with

The Cost of Secrecy: Keeping your personal information private usually comes with a price. If you don’t pay for it, all your personal details might become public, and that can lead to problems.

Ideal, But Unavailable: It would be great if privacy protection came free, but unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Better Safe Than Sorry: Even though it’s not the ideal situation, it’s often better to pay a bit to keep your information private and avoid potential issues down the road.

Extras Come with a Price: Additional Costs with

Basic Plans, Basic Features: The simple plans with are affordable, but they don’t come with a lot of extra features.

Transfer Charge for URLs: If you want to bring a web address (URL) to, they might charge you for the transfer.

Potential Upgrades, Additional Costs: As your website grows, you might find that the basic plans don’t cover all your needs. For example, if you have an online store and need more than the given 100 pages and products, you might need to upgrade, and that could cost you more.

Keep an Eye on Extra Costs: While the basic plans are reasonably priced, be aware that additional features and upgrades may come with additional costs. It’s something to consider as your website expands. Plans and Prices: Starting Simple

Basic Plan – INR 312.11 ($3.75) per month: If you go for the Basic plan with, you’ll pay around INR 312.11 ($3.75) each month. You can choose a contract for 12, 24, or 36 months.

What’s Included: This plan is good for small businesses or blogs. It gives you scalable bandwidth, which means your website can handle more visitors. You also get unlimited storage, meaning you can add as much content as you want.

Extras at No Extra Cost: They throw in some cool extras like a free SSL certificate (for security) and a free domain name for the first year. However, keep in mind that this plan is for hosting just one website. If you need to host more sites, you might want to check out their other plans. Plans: More Choices for Your Needs

Deluxe Plan – INR 561.80 ($6.75) per month: If you want a bit more, there’s the Deluxe plan. It’s around INR 561.80 ($6.75) each month, and you can choose a contract for 12, 24, or 36 months.

What’s Extra: This plan includes everything from the Basic plan—unlimited storage, a free domain for the first year, and a free SSL certificate. But, it gives you more MySQL databases and FTP logins. Plus, you can host as many websites as you want. It’s great if you have two or more sites to manage.

Ultra Plan – INR 1144.41 ($13.75) per month: For even more, there’s the Ultra plan. It costs around INR 1144.41 ($13.75) each month, and you can choose a contract for 12, 24, or 36 months.

Top Features: The Ultra plan includes everything in the Deluxe plan, and on top of that, you get unlimited MySQL databases and FTP logins. This is a good choice for businesses handling many websites or web design agencies.


Namecheap: Affordable Hosting with Some Trade-offs


Namecheap Domains & Hosting 


We make registering, hosting, and managing domains for yourself or others easy and affordable, because the internet needs people.

  • User-Friendly Experience: Navigating Namecheap with Ease
  • Top-Notch Help: Great Customer Service at Namecheap
  • Safety First: High Security Standards at Namecheap
  • Short-Term Considerations: Namecheap Not the Cheapest
  • Missing Phone Calls: No Phone Support at Namecheap
  • Namecheap Plans and Prices: Affordable Hosting for Starters
  • Stellar Plus Plan: More for Your Websites
  • Stellar Business Plan: Serious Features for Your Website

What is Namecheap: Namecheap is famous for helping people register unique domain names. Now, they also offer affordable web hosting services.

What You Get: Their plans include a promise – if you’re not happy in the first 30 days, you can get your money back. Plus, they install a free SSL certificate to keep your site secure for the first year.

Things to Know: While their prices are great, keep in mind that their basic plans don’t give you a lot of storage space. Also, customer support might not be as detailed as some might want.

Who It’s Good For: If you’re a small business and don’t need a super complex setup, Namecheap could be just what you’re looking for.


User-Friendly Experience: Navigating Namecheap with Ease

Easy Interface: Namecheap prides itself on having a simple and easy-to-use account page. Unlike some other companies, they don’t overwhelm you with offers or constantly try to sell you more stuff.

Domain Management Made Easy: Managing your domain names is a breeze with Namecheap. They’ve organized all your options neatly in a sidebar, keeping the page clutter-free. It’s not just easy; it’s also secure. Namecheap can boast that their domain manager has never been compromised.

Privacy Protection Included: To top it off, they care about your privacy. In their hosting packages, they include privacy protection at no extra cost. That’s their way of helping you stay safe online without spending more money.

Top-Notch Help: Great Customer Service at Namecheap

Excellent Live Chat: If you ever need help, Namecheap has got your back. Their live chat feature is excellent. It’s quick, and they’re consistent in giving you the support you need.

Helpful Videos on YouTube: Not just that, they’ve also got a bunch of helpful videos on YouTube. These videos can guide you through some of the common problems you might face with domain hosting. So, if you’re more of a visual learner, they’ve got resources to make things easier for you.

Safety First: High Security Standards at Namecheap

Free Privacy Protection: When you register a domain with Namecheap, they give you a gift—a free one-year subscription to their WhoisGuard privacy protection service. This keeps your personal info safe. And if you want to keep it after that first year, it’s just an extra $2.88 each year.

Discounts on SSL Certificate: They also give you a deal on the Comodo PositiveSSL certificate for the first year. This certificate adds an extra layer of security to your website.

Stay Informed: Namecheap cares about keeping you in the loop. They send important security alerts directly to your email, making sure you’re aware of anything critical related to your account.


Short-Term Considerations: Namecheap Not the Cheapest

Not the Most Affordable for a Short While: If you’re looking for a hosting solution for a brief period, Namecheap might not be the cheapest option. They focus on providing the necessary and technical features you need, skipping some of the flashy extras.

Fewer Bells and Whistles: For those who love all the fancy extras, Namecheap’s offerings might not fully satisfy. They prioritize practical and technical features over flashy ones.

Consider Other Options for Extras: Sometimes, those flashy extras can be just what you’re looking for. In that case, you might want to explore other domain hosting providers that offer more bells and whistles.

Missing Phone Calls: No Phone Support at Namecheap

A Little Issue: Here’s a tiny thing to keep in mind – Namecheap doesn’t have phone support. It’s not a big deal since their online live chat works really well. But, if you’re someone who prefers talking on the phone, you might feel a bit left out when using Namecheap.

Namecheap Plans and Prices: Affordable Hosting for Starters

Stellar Plan: Namecheap’s basic plan is called Stellar. With this plan, you can host up to three websites using your favorite content management system (CMS). It gives you unlimited bandwidth, meaning your site can handle lots of visitors, and a 20GB SSD for storing your website files. You also get free access to their email service and website builder.

Free Goodies: No matter which plan you choose, Namecheap throws in a few freebies. You get a free SSL certificate, which adds a layer of security to your site, and a free domain name for the first year.

Introductory Pricing: For the first year, the Stellar plan is very reasonably priced at INR 1,892.78 ($22.88). Keep in mind that after that first year, when it’s time to renew, it will cost you INR 3,712.77 ($44.88) annually.

Stellar Plus Plan: More for Your Websites

What’s Extra: If you want a bit more, there’s the Stellar Plus plan. For the first year, it’s INR 2885.50 ($34.88).

Unlimited Everything: With this plan, you can create as many websites as you want. It comes with automatic backups, meaning your site’s info is safe. You also get an unlimited amount of storage space on a speedy SSD.

Beyond Limits: Unlike the Stellar plan, Stellar Plus lets you have as many domains, parked domains, and subdomains as you need. It also adds semi-weekly backups and unlimited email accounts to keep your communication smooth.

First-Year Price: For the first year, all these goodies are yours for INR 2885.50 ($34.88). Just remember, after that first year, the annual renewal cost will be different.

Stellar Business Plan: Serious Features for Your Website

Unlimited Everything: The Stellar Business plan is for those who mean business. You get unlimited domain-based mailboxes and websites, just like the Stellar Plus plan.

Added Features: But wait, there’s more! With the Business plan, you get cloud storage to keep your important data safe. It also comes with auto backup, so you never lose valuable info. Plus, you get a substantial 50GB of storage on a speedy SSD.

Boost Your Speed: This plan includes special tools called PHP accelerators, like eAccelerator and xCache. These are like superchargers for your website and apps, making them run faster and smoother.

Ready for Business: Whether you’re running a big website or a serious business, the Stellar Business plan has the features to match.

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